Using the Add Files Window
The Add Files window is where you assign metadata to files and then complete the upload to Document.
Add Files for a Single Entity
Locate the entity you are adding the file for on the navigation panel.
- Click
next to the entity name to expand the folder structure and select the folder where you want to add the hyperlink.
- Click Add Files on the button bar.
- Edit the
information in the Select entity and storage folder section to specify where the file should be saved, if needed.
- Edit the
metadata for the file in the Set file properties section, if needed. If your firm assigned default metadata to the folder in the folder template, some of this information is populated for you.
- Select permanence, archive, and portal
- Select the files to upload by doing one of the following:
- Click Browse for Files. Select the file to be uploaded, and then click Open.
- Drag the files from your computer desktop to the Entity tab in the Add Files window.
- If needed, make changes to the metadata for individual files on the Entity, Retention, Portal, or Hyperlink tabs. The information on these tabs corresponds with the information in the top section of the Add files window. The Portal tab only displays if your firm licenses the version of Portal that integrates with Document.
- Click Upload Selected Files. You can monitor the status of the upload in the File upload progress section. If the File upload progress section is collapsed, click the Expand
icon to open that section. You can use the
buttons in this section to pause the upload if needed. Paused uploads will resume uploading during the next online session.
- Click Close.
Tell me about the buttons in this section.
Adding Files to Multiple Entities at One Time
To upload the file to multiple entities, click Add File to Multiple Entities, and then complete the Add to multiple entities window
- Select to either copy or link to the file for each entity.
- Select an entity type that you want to upload the file to.
- Do one of the following:
- To upload the file to a specific entity, begin entering the entity name in the text box. When you see the entity you need in the Available entities list, select it and click the move right button
- To upload the file to all entities of this type, click the move all right button
- To upload the file to a specific entity, begin entering the entity name in the text box. When you see the entity you need in the Available entities list, select it and click the move right button
- Repeat these steps as needed until all entities that you want to upload the file to are listed.